Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Letterman slams John McCain

In John McCain's rush to Washington D.C. to provide leadership in this time of economic crisis, he has suspended political campaigning, stated that he will withdraw from this Friday's debate with Obama if a plan to save the economy is not approved, and withdrew from an interview with David Letterman on tonight's "Late Night With David Letterman" show.

I am sure we will be hearing the talking points from both sides of this action. The McCain campaign will be showing how this demonstrates McCain's "Country First" platform and the Obama campaign is already talking about being able to walk and chew gum at the same time.

In the meantime, David Letterman was told by John McCain that he would be unable to make it to the shooting of his interview for Letterman's show because he was rushing back to Washington D.C. immediately. Letterman's show then set up an interview with the anti-McCain, Keith Olbermann. It turns out that, rather than rushing to the airport to get back to D.C., McCain was, at that very moment, being prepared for an interview with Katie Couric only three blocks away. Letterman decided not to take this lying down.

I love it when politicians open themselves up to this kind of stuff.

1 comment:

reddog said...

McCain is all serious now and doesn't want to be seen on such a light hearted program as Letterman.