Sunday, September 28, 2008

Submarine News From the Other Side of the Pond

It sounds like our fellow submariners from the other side of the Atlantic are catching some hell.

From the Sunday Herald:
"Safety Blunders at the nuclear bomb bases on the Clyde have rocketed to a record high, shutting down submarine reactors, spilling radioactivity and contaminating workers."

Another quote from the Herald:

"Among the 25 "lessons learnt" listed by the MoD are indications that the workforce may have been over-stretched. "Management should be aware of the increased potential for errors through excessive work and take action where possible to guard against operator fatigue," said the report.

It warned that "external pressures" must not compromise safe operation and singled out some naval officers for criticism. "The quartermaster's position is a busy one and his areas of responsibility are numerous and diverse," the report said. "He must not allow himself to be distracted from his duties."

People being overstretched and external pressures being a distraction from duties. Where have I heard that before?

I do feel some sympathy for their sailors. It must have gotten pretty ugly there for a newspaper report like this to come out. I guess they will come out okay on the other side by keeping a stiff upper-lip. Of course, the incidents that are referenced were from 2006-2007, so perhaps they have already came out on the other side.

Buck up, little troopers!!!

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